As We Wind Down 2009: My Big 5

The end of the year draws ever so near and with the turn of the calender comes a brand new slate of movies.

2009 hasn’t quite lived up to past year’s expectations, but there have been some really, really good movies. Some surprises, some stinkers, as usual. But with oh, 47 days left in the year, here at the 5 films, in order, I’m most looking forward to:

1. The Lovely Bones – why? Peter Jackson. Simply incredible book. Amazing young actress. Great cast. Riveting story.

2. Brothers – why? Two fantastic lead actors. Heart-wrenching storyline. Incredible trailer. Great director.

3. Up In the Airwhy? Clooney in a perfect role. Director who hasn’t let down yet. Massive positive hype. Trailer.

4. Avatar – why? Decade in the making. Special effects like nothing before. Have to trust Cameron.

5. The Fantastic Mr. Fox – Amazing early reviews. Creative director with a creative cast. Looks inventive and hilarious.


I can honestly say I’m more excited for these 5 films than any other 5 films this entire year. Bring it on!

Trailer Update

On the calendar/anticipating page there are a hell of a lot of new trailers posted, including the following:

The Informant!, Capitalism: A Love Story, Whip It, Zombieland, Where the Wild Things Are, Saw VI, A Christmas Carol, The Fantastic Mr. Fox, and much…much more.

The movies I’m most excited to see between now and December 4th are: The Boys are Back, The Invention of Lying, Law Abiding Citizen, The Road, and Brothers.
