Review: The Hangover Part II

There were certainly laughs, but it doesn't hold a candle to the original. (Warner Bros/

If someone offers you millions and millions of dollars to direct a movie, you’re going to do it 99.9% percent of the time. So, for people who say Todd Phillips and crew should never have touched the original Hangover, well, that seems a bit silly. However, I do understand your argument. The original one was such a rare find, a modern-day comedy classic that can hold its own with some of the best comedy movies of all-time. It had everything and then some. With that in mind,  I knew when I went to see The  Hangover Part II, that there was no possible way it could top its predecessor. All I was hoping for  was something solid, something I could laugh at. It met my expectations, and well, that’s about it.

As everyone knows by now, this is essentially a carbon copy of the first story, just with a different city and a monkey instead of a tiger. I actually had no problem with that at all – if the formula worked, I want to see the Wolfpack get into more trouble once again. But my first problem with it was that the element of surprise and shock-value is almost completely gone. You know that you’re going to see pictures on a phone/camera as the credits role – and that was one of the best parts of the first. Another thing that lagged in this sequel was actually Zach Galifianakis. I have no idea how much was scripted and how much they let him go on his own, but his jokes seemed a bit flat and a bit forced.

To round out my complaining, I’ll say that I loved the Mr. Chow character from the first movie, but that was in small doses. As somewhat of a leading character, not so much. But with all that negativity behind me, it’s time to state the obvious – it was a funny movie.  I really think Ed Helms was probably the most consistently funny character in this movie series, and his new song was just as good as the Tiger tune from the original. You also can’t help but laugh at some of the things they get into during the path of tracing their steps. There were quality one-liners (a few from the bachelor brunch at IHOP), and a quality soundtrack and awesome visuals yet again.

When it comes down to it, there was no “problem” with this movie. The simple fact is that it just can’t even come close to the original one. But that’s not an awful thing to say, as the first Hangover is a modern-day comedy classic. But, because the characters and plot are so fresh in our minds, we can’t help but compare the two. And this film will lose the battle against the original every day of the week.



Review: Due Date

It wasn't a bust, but it sure wasn't a proper follow-up to 'the Hangover.' (Warner Bros/

Well, it has finally been done – a vehicle with Zach Galifianakis wasn’t that great. Although I’ve only had a very short while to absorb this movie, it certainly feels rushed, for lack of a better term. It comes across as something Todd Phillips had in a pile of script ideas and said “The Hangover worked, people love Zach, let’s get this done ASAP”.  There’s no doubt about it, people will compare it to the success of that comedy classic, which is unfair. This movie should stand on its own – problem is…it was a little sluggish and just not that hilarious. Bottom line.

There were a few reports during the filming of Due Date that Downey, Jr. and Galifianakis had problems working with each other because of their drastically different personalities. If that’s the case, it certainly carried through to the final cut. The distaste is palpable, which at times is funny, but sort of wears on you as a viewer. A number of the jokes are also a bit repetitive. The movie had its moments, but they were (in a laugh out loud way) too few and far between. Each of the lead actors, and great cameos, played their parts terrifically. However, I almost feel that the ad-libbing that Zach can do so well – didn’t lend itself as great to this film as it has to his previous work. It was alright, but nothing more.

DUE DATE: (out of 4)

Review: Hot Tub Time Machine

“It must be some kinda….hot tub time machine” (stares directly into the camera). Yes, that is in fact an actual quote from a major Hollywood release. The same town that puts out movies like Saving Private Ryan, Crash, and the Hurt Locker can crank out something like Hot Tub Time  Machine. What do I think of this? It’s incredible! The variety of movies we as fans have to choose from is remarkable these days, and while for every ridiculously funny weird movie like this, there are 100 awful ones. Lucky for me, this wasn’t a stinker. It certainly had its fair share of solid laughs, but at the same time, even with everything I’ve said taken into account, I’ve got to ask a question: how the hell do you pitch this?? “Uh yeah, so John Cusack and some guys get in a hot tub, and like, the hot tub is a time machine, and they go back to the 80’s and change stuff!” Sold! This movie was approved or green-lit, I would love to know what movies are denied.

From L-R: Not funny, hilarious, solid, the best one. (MGM/

One of the biggest things Hot Tub had going for it was the front four of the case: John Cusack, Rob Corddry, Craig Robinson, and Clark Duke. Each of these actors got me excited for the film in their own respective ways. Cusack has been in so many damn good movies, and one of my favorites – High Fidelity – and he’s just a great actor all around. Corddry was one of the funniest Daily Show correspondents of all-time, ranking up there Steve Carell and Stephen Colbert. It’s great to see him get another shot at leading role. Craig Robinson is just money in the comedy bank. From The Office, to Zach and Miri, to all his other cameos or films, he’s always good. And Clark Duke, although a bit of a newcomer, well…won me over in the trailers I saw.

So, premise aside, as silly as it was, it would no doubt have to be carried on the shoulders of those four actors. Cusack delivered as the most stable and central character, and most serious I suppose. Robinson and Corddry were the comedy stars. Not to pick on him, but Duke was a dud. He was just not funny in the slightest and I would have gladly taken another no-name actor in his spot. But I guess that at some point I have to talk about the premise and story itself. It was original, that’s for sure. It also nailed the 80’s in terms of clothes, hair, music, etc etc. The biggest laughs however, didn’t come from the framework of the story, but rather the outrageous/gross scenes. There were scenes in there that may shock you, and make you tear up from laughter. But they were occasionally spaced out a bit too far.

The story was as ridiculous as they get, but it delivered some serious laughs. (MGM/

I will admit too, that I was a sucker for the ending. I loved it. My guess is that if you see it, you may not care one way or another about the cinematic styling of the movie (hell, it’s a hot tub movie), but the ending is something some people could either really love or really hate. I was a fan. But to wrap up this review, let me say very important things, the second point far more important than the first. One – Hot Tub Time Machine was a really funny movie. I would recommend it, and I had a very good time watching it. It wasn’t great, and it wasn’t something I’ll remember for months, but it was pretty damn solid. Much credit to Robinson and Corddry. However…Two – This film is nowhere, and I mean, nowhere, close to the flat-out brilliance of The Hangover. There are a number of people and a few critics out there that are sayings it’s just as funny or funnier. This is absurd. While I enjoyed it, this film doesn’t hold a candle to The Hangover. But hey, go see it!


FINAL TOP 10 OF 2009!

After much debating with myself, I’ve come to the conclusion that the following 10 films were the best I saw in theaters this calender year. I’m disappointed I missed a few, such as The Hurt Locker, and this list could potentially see minor changes if Crazy Heart or The Lovely Bones cracks the top 10 (as both were released in 2009 in limited release).

Overall, 2009 was not as strong as I had hoped for, and certainly not as good as years past. There were a lot of disappointments, but some surprises too. I’ve learned to never doubt Pixar, never doubt James Cameron, and that my favorite comedians don’t always deliver. You can see the full list of every film I saw, in ranked order, on the tab above.

To the list!…

2009 Best Movie: AVATAR



1. AVATAR – review

2. UP IN THE AIR – review

3. hangover poster THE HANGOVER – review

4. BROTHERS – review

5.  up poster UP – review

6. harry potter 6 poster HARRY POTTER AND THE HALF-BLOOD PRINCE – review

7. inglourious-basterds-movie-poster INGLOURIOUS BASTERDS – review

8. love-you-man-poster1 I LOVE YOU, MAN- review

9. wild things poster WHERE THE WILD THINGS ARE – review

10. zombieland poster ZOMBIELAND – review

Review: The Hangover

I know, I know, it came out almost a month ago. And yes I know, it’s already shattered every single expectation at both the box office (I think it’s almost at $175 million!) and with the critics. But to be so honest, I’ve been just insanely busy, and now have finally gotten around to writing my review for perhaps the funniest movie of the past few years. Yes, it was that good. I’ve seen The Hangover twice, and while I honestly can’t wait for the DVD to see it again and again, the memory of every little scene and quote is imprinted in me to this moment. The word of mouth for this movie is extraordinary, and for good reason. This comedy is unique, fall-on-the-floor hysterical, and just simplistic genius. So, how the heck did all that happen?

It’s a good question on how yet another movie about a bachelor party became one of the best comedies in some time. How did it become unique, how is it special? Well to put it quite easily, it’s not about the bachelor party at all. You see the four guys taking shots together, and that’s about it for male bonding. The rest is the most absurd yet creatively constructed wild chase you could imagine through vague memory. When I started seeing the heap of advertisements for this movie all over television, my initial thought was “eh, might be alright.” Then I did a bit of research and realized Todd Phillips directed it, who did Old School – a classic through and through – my eyebrows raised. Finally, I started hearing little rumblings here and there from critics and press that this movie has broken all standards or expectations in terms of laughs (and cash). I saw it, I loved it to death, and I’m here to tell you to see it.

The trio of Helms, Galifianakis, and Cooper are a mixture of comedy gold. (Warner Bros/

The trio of Helms, Galifianakis, and Cooper are a mixture of comedy gold. (Warner Bros/

One of the most important things working for The Hangover is the beautiful dynamic between the three main characters: Stu (Ed Helms), Phil (Bradley Cooper), and Alan (Zach Galifianakis). Unlike Old School before it, which had stars like Will Ferrell and Vince Vaughn, so you knew what you were getting, these three guys are “B-listers.” They aren’t unknowns, but when you look at a Bradley Cooper all you can think is – “that’s the guy from Wedding Crashers, right? He was hilarious!” The same with Ed Helms – The Office. Galifianakis has done stand-up for years and is the most relatively unknown of the group with movie appearances just here and there. But their chemistry together isn’t something you can force at all, it’s apparent these guy: a) like acting with each other, and b) are all on to bigger and better things because of their chemistry and now, success.

Each actor brings a certain brand of humor to the table too, which makes it refreshing. It’s not all dry humor, and it’s not all slapstick. Bradley Cooper is the controlled of the three, the leader, and his slip ups and distaste for married life are pretty understandable. One of the first lines you hear: “Hey, you’ve reached Phil, I’m not here so leave a message. And don’t send a text message, that’s just gay.” Ed Helms is the edgy, on a leash boyfriend, who eventually comes out of his element towards the end. If you’ve ever seen Helms on The Daily Show or The Office, you know his musical range, as well as his ability to nail each emotion with hilarity. Finally, perhaps the ultimate scene stealer, Galifianakis is absurd looking as he is ridiculous acting. Beeper service. Carlos the baby. Holocaust rings. Skittles in his satchel. The list of quotes goes on and on and on.

The cameos from other Todd Phillips flicks makes it that much funnier. (Warner Bros/

The cameos from other Todd Phillips flicks makes it that much funnier. (Warner Bros/

It’s hard to fit into a little review all the things I loved about The Hangover. But to touch on another one of the things that made it so great, perhaps just for “hardcore” comedy fans of late, are the cameos and appearances by certain characters and actors from Old School and other recent comedies. Sometimes, bringing back the goods work the second time around, and this is certainly the case. The doctor in the hospital was the golfer employee in Old School. The Jewish guy on the elevator getting uh, some work done by his lady friend (who is actually the director, Todd Phillips), was the same exact guy asking for a gang bang in Old School. Perhaps my favorite was The Dan Band – the “…I fucking need you now tonight, fucking need you more than ever!” band at the wedding in Old School that set that movie off with an absolute bang. In that one, they took Total Eclipse of the Heart to new levels of hilarity. In The Hangover, they take a 50-cent song to insanely good levels, and cap the movie off with seriously good results.

Again, it’s tough to express how great some 2-hour comedy can be. So many summer movies, not just comedies, are forgettable quite easily – not this one though, not in the slightest. This will without a doubt be the next movie that’s quoted over, and over, and over. It’s already the next instant classic. It was more than I expected and then some, with some lines being inaudible because of laughter from the audience going nuts. Lastly, please stay for the credits – incredible.

THE HANGOVER: original_barnstaroriginal_barnstaroriginal_barnstarhalf_barnstar(out of 4)